R&D Tax Incentive

The Australian Government offers a significant incentive for businesses conducting research and
development (R&D) activities: the R&D Tax Incentive. Businesses who conduct R&D programs
can claim through the ATO’s R&D tax incentive portal. This program aims to encourage innovation
and drive economic growth by providing tax offsets to eligible companies.

What Is the R&D Tax Incentive?

The R&D Tax Incentive is a government program that provides a tax offset to eligible businesses that incur expenses on research and development activities. This offset can significantly reduce your tax liability or even result in a cash refund.

The purpose of this program is to encourage innovation and drive economic growth by supporting
businesses that invest in research and development.

When Can You Claim?

You can claim the R&D Tax Incentive for eligible R&D activities conducted during a specific income year. The claim process involves detailed record-keeping, preparing a claim and submitting it through an R&D tax rebate platform.

What Can You Claim?

The R&D Tax Incentive allows you to claim a range of expenses, including:

How to Claim Your R&D Tax Incentive

Determine Eligibility

Prepare Your Claim

Submit Your Claim

Review and Approval

The ATO will review your claim and may request further information if necessary. Once approved, you will receive the tax offset as a reduction in your tax liability or as a cash refund.

The ATO has an R&D tax incentive portal in place to help you submit claims smoothly. By following this guide and utilising the portal, you’ll have a smooth tax claim lodging.

Get the Best Out of Your Taxes!

Ready to maximise your R&D tax benefits? Contact R&D Assist today for a free consultation. We can help you navigate the complexities of the R&D Tax Incentive and ensure you receive the maximum allowable offset.

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